2:16 PM
10/17/08 - Wine Varietal
Another Great Wine Varietal Article
What To Look For in A Wine Bar
Wine drinking is one of the best ways to enjoy oneself or to have a chat with friends. If you want to enjoy wine outside, there are outside wine bars that will surely suit you. However, as a customer you should know that there are some things to consider before going into a wine bar. Aside from enjoying a good bottle of wine, here are some other things that you should consider in a wine bar.
Check the wine list
This is the first thing that you should check. The best wine bar does not only offer the different varieties of wine, you should make sure that they have the best kinds. Be sure to check the prices too because some places are pricy when they sell good wine.
Check the wine quality
Even if the place has the best brands and best types of wine, make sure its quality is supreme. Some wines get dull if it's stored too long so be sure that you get the best bottle that they have. Some wines also crystallize so make sure that your wine bar knows all about these aspects. Certain types of wine also require ?breathing? to get their best taste.
Check the menu
A good wine bar must always have a menu that compliments their wine list. If not, that means you won't be able to enjoy yourself fully. There are specific types of wines that are best partnered with different meals. So make sure that the bar?s menu gives you some of the best partners for your favorite wines.
Check the ambiance
Most people become regular customers because of a bar?s ambiance. Always evaluate the ambiance of the bar before deciding to come back. It?s better if there is good music that you can enjoy while chatting, and it's important if you can also identify with the crowd.
Check the service
Make sure that service is excellent. Enjoying your bottle of wine will be best if you are entertained by good waiters. Most bars usually have a wine expert so make sure to have a little chat with them when you order your glass or bottle to learn something new. Be kind enough to leave a tip if you enjoy their service, you can be sure that they will serve you better when you return.
Whether you are drinking for your own enjoyment or with friends, remember this checklist. Enjoying a good wine will be so much better in a bar if you take note of these tips.
Wine is the oldest and most popular beverage. In our modern world, where elegance and traditions are treasured, wine is associated when having a complete hearty meal. It cleanses the meticulous palate that considers taste and flavor as the basic fundamentals of a meal.
Wines are produced in different parts of the world where contemporary and classic fermentation are being used to produce an extra - ordinary taste. Based on the recent market survey, Australia is one of the many countries that produce the best wines.
Art of Wine Tasting.
Learn the art of Wine Tasting
Short Review on Wine Varietal
What To Look For in A Wine Bar
Wine drinking is one of the best ways to enjoy oneself or to have a chat with friends. If you want to enjoy wine outside, there are outside wine bars ...
Click Here to Read More About Wine ...
Wine Varietal Products we recommend
Built NY BYO Wine Bag - Black
BYO Wine Bag how cool is this? A clever twist on traditional bottle carriers this nearly weightless number is made from spongy neoprene the same material used in wet suits. Even if dropped—protects bottles from shattering. A stylish solution to bringing-your-own to restaurants parties on-board and in route it folds flat for storage or packing.
Price: 14.95 USD
Wine Varietal in the news
Value Wine Experiment - 3 Reds under $15.00
Wed, 15 Oct 08 06:00:42 -0700
As an experiment, 2 friends and I decided to head down to a neighborhood liquor market at around 9:00 pm to pick up some value wine (nothing over $20), rate it and see what kind of service one can expect on a Friday night in the city of Calgary. Our travels took us to 4th Street Liquor, which is your run of the mill liquor store, providing the everyday consumer with all the basics pertaining to offerings of wine, beer and spirits. I am often asked, and was this night by my fellow experiment o
Misunderstood Merlot grape grabs its spot as a star varietal (Inside Bay Area)
Wed, 15 Oct 08 05:44:28 -0700
IN THE documentary "Merlove," filmmaker Rudy McClain surfs in a sea of mediocre Merlot. His animated protagonist, a lovingly made bottle of elegant Merlot named Merlove, is forced to dump herself into this ocean thanks to something called the New World Handicap and a line actor Paul Giamatti uttered four years ago.
Have You Tried Chenin Blanc Lately?
Wed, 15 Oct 08 05:30:00 -0700
Chenin Blanc is one of those grapes.You know the grapes I mean. They're the ones that you think you know because once upon a time someone poured you someting out of a giant jug that said it was Chenin Blanc. It was awful, and you've never touched the stuff since.It's time to try it again.There are some great value Chenin Blancs in the market right now.Why should you try Chenin Blanc? Here are three reasons. First, they are versatile food wines because they have good acidity and a slightly off-dr
$12.99] Ravenswood Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 Free Shipping on 4 or more by Wines `Til Sold Out
Wed, 15 Oct 08 02:15:38 -0700
Ravens Wood Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 By Stephen Tanzer2003 Ravenswood Winery Cabernet Sauvignon Sonoma CountyWinery: Ravenswood Winery Style: Red Wine Varietal: Cabernet Sauvignon Region: SonomaBy Stephen Tanzer Stephen Tanzer`s International Wine Cellar , May/Jun 05 $18 Good medium ruby. Grapey aromas of cassis and violet. Juicy and leanish but sweet, with flavors of dark berries and bitter chocolate framed by lively acids. Finishes with broad tannins. 8889 points By ravenswoodwine
The new wine buzz: moderate alcohol levels (Seattle Times)
Wed, 15 Oct 08 00:25:06 -0700
Many readers have requested that I include a mention of alcohol levels in my wine reviews. As much as space limitations allow, I try to...
About Wine: Food-friendly barbera wines delight when young (Courier-Post)
Wed, 15 Oct 08 00:14:29 -0700
Barbera is a delightful Italian varietal that is widely grown in Piedmont in northern Italy, a grape that is not as fully appreciated in the United States as in Europe.
Wine Accessories
Varietal Wine | Vine

What To Look For in A Wine Bar
Wine drinking is one of the best ways to enjoy oneself or to have a chat with friends. If you want to enjoy wine outside, there are outside wine bars that will surely suit you. However, as a customer you should know that there are some things to consider before going into a wine bar. Aside from enjoying a good bottle of wine, here are some other things that you should consider in a wine bar.
Check the wine list
This is the first thing that you should check. The best wine bar does not only offer the different varieties of wine, you should make sure that they have the best kinds. Be sure to check the prices too because some places are pricy when they sell good wine.
Check the wine quality
Even if the place has the best brands and best types of wine, make sure its quality is supreme. Some wines get dull if it's stored too long so be sure that you get the best bottle that they have. Some wines also crystallize so make sure that your wine bar knows all about these aspects. Certain types of wine also require ?breathing? to get their best taste.
Check the menu
A good wine bar must always have a menu that compliments their wine list. If not, that means you won't be able to enjoy yourself fully. There are specific types of wines that are best partnered with different meals. So make sure that the bar?s menu gives you some of the best partners for your favorite wines.
Check the ambiance
Most people become regular customers because of a bar?s ambiance. Always evaluate the ambiance of the bar before deciding to come back. It?s better if there is good music that you can enjoy while chatting, and it's important if you can also identify with the crowd.
Check the service
Make sure that service is excellent. Enjoying your bottle of wine will be best if you are entertained by good waiters. Most bars usually have a wine expert so make sure to have a little chat with them when you order your glass or bottle to learn something new. Be kind enough to leave a tip if you enjoy their service, you can be sure that they will serve you better when you return.
Whether you are drinking for your own enjoyment or with friends, remember this checklist. Enjoying a good wine will be so much better in a bar if you take note of these tips.
Wine is the oldest and most popular beverage. In our modern world, where elegance and traditions are treasured, wine is associated when having a complete hearty meal. It cleanses the meticulous palate that considers taste and flavor as the basic fundamentals of a meal.
Wines are produced in different parts of the world where contemporary and classic fermentation are being used to produce an extra - ordinary taste. Based on the recent market survey, Australia is one of the many countries that produce the best wines.
Art of Wine Tasting.
Learn the art of Wine Tasting
Short Review on Wine Varietal
What To Look For in A Wine Bar
Wine drinking is one of the best ways to enjoy oneself or to have a chat with friends. If you want to enjoy wine outside, there are outside wine bars ...
Click Here to Read More About Wine ...
Wine Varietal Products we recommend
Built NY BYO Wine Bag - Black

Price: 14.95 USD
Wine Varietal in the news
Value Wine Experiment - 3 Reds under $15.00
Wed, 15 Oct 08 06:00:42 -0700
As an experiment, 2 friends and I decided to head down to a neighborhood liquor market at around 9:00 pm to pick up some value wine (nothing over $20), rate it and see what kind of service one can expect on a Friday night in the city of Calgary. Our travels took us to 4th Street Liquor, which is your run of the mill liquor store, providing the everyday consumer with all the basics pertaining to offerings of wine, beer and spirits. I am often asked, and was this night by my fellow experiment o
Misunderstood Merlot grape grabs its spot as a star varietal (Inside Bay Area)
Wed, 15 Oct 08 05:44:28 -0700
IN THE documentary "Merlove," filmmaker Rudy McClain surfs in a sea of mediocre Merlot. His animated protagonist, a lovingly made bottle of elegant Merlot named Merlove, is forced to dump herself into this ocean thanks to something called the New World Handicap and a line actor Paul Giamatti uttered four years ago.
Have You Tried Chenin Blanc Lately?
Wed, 15 Oct 08 05:30:00 -0700
Chenin Blanc is one of those grapes.You know the grapes I mean. They're the ones that you think you know because once upon a time someone poured you someting out of a giant jug that said it was Chenin Blanc. It was awful, and you've never touched the stuff since.It's time to try it again.There are some great value Chenin Blancs in the market right now.Why should you try Chenin Blanc? Here are three reasons. First, they are versatile food wines because they have good acidity and a slightly off-dr
$12.99] Ravenswood Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 Free Shipping on 4 or more by Wines `Til Sold Out
Wed, 15 Oct 08 02:15:38 -0700
Ravens Wood Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon 2003 By Stephen Tanzer2003 Ravenswood Winery Cabernet Sauvignon Sonoma CountyWinery: Ravenswood Winery Style: Red Wine Varietal: Cabernet Sauvignon Region: SonomaBy Stephen Tanzer Stephen Tanzer`s International Wine Cellar , May/Jun 05 $18 Good medium ruby. Grapey aromas of cassis and violet. Juicy and leanish but sweet, with flavors of dark berries and bitter chocolate framed by lively acids. Finishes with broad tannins. 8889 points By ravenswoodwine
The new wine buzz: moderate alcohol levels (Seattle Times)
Wed, 15 Oct 08 00:25:06 -0700
Many readers have requested that I include a mention of alcohol levels in my wine reviews. As much as space limitations allow, I try to...
About Wine: Food-friendly barbera wines delight when young (Courier-Post)
Wed, 15 Oct 08 00:14:29 -0700
Barbera is a delightful Italian varietal that is widely grown in Piedmont in northern Italy, a grape that is not as fully appreciated in the United States as in Europe.
Wine Accessories
Varietal Wine | Vine
Labels: Dry Wine | Dutty Wine

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