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The Function of Wine Storage Racks
Storing wines is crucial to keeping wines flavor and letting it age to perfection. Wine cellars are an ideal way to store wines for long durations. Without a wine cellar, you simply will not store wines to maturation.Storing wines is crucial to keeping wines flavor and letting it age to perfection. Wine cellars are an ideal way to store wines for long durations. Without a wine cellar, you simply will not store wines to maturation.
Before you select a wine rack, make sure you understand wine storage. Wine should be stored in a cool, slightly humid, and dark place. Make sure the storage areas conditions are consistent. Keep the temperature between 50 and 59 degrees Fahrenheit. Never store wines in a warm, light spot; it will heat the wine and spoil it. Keep the wine horizontal so the cork stays wet, and dont keep the wine next to something with a strong odor. Also keep accurate records of your wines, so you know just when to open the perfect bottle.
A wine rack is crucial to storing wine. Whether you choose a wooden wine rack or a metal wine rack is not important. Rather, pick a sturdy unit that holds the number of bottles you need to store. Temperature-controlled, freestanding wine racks are a perfect storage system, though they are more expensive than a simple wine rack in a cool spot. Small storage systems hold a dozen bottles, larger systems hundreds of bottles. These storage systems are an investment and can be used as furniture. Be prepared to spend close to $2,000 for a storage system.
You can cheaply outfit your wine cellar with wooden shelves -- usually pine -- with 54-, 72-, or 90-bottle capacity. Pine wine cubes provide the most storage for the dollar, and can be stacked to grow with your collection. The biggest benefit of a wire wine rack is that you can easily see each wines label. Metal wine racks tend to be thinner than wooden racks and can fit in narrow spots like hallways or under stairs.
Remember, where you store the wine is more important than how you store your wine. Choose a wine rack that fits your needs and your budget.
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