Writing about Wine Vino was indeed a spontaneous decision on my part. I solemnly hope that this was a wise decision that I had made.
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For Your Reading Pleasure
Wine Storage - The Major Considerations For Proper Wine Storage Are Temperature, Humidty And Darknes
After visiting the wine tasting country in California, many wine
lovers want to extend the experience by taking large quantities
of wine home. The problem is finding the ideal place for wine
Wine-tasting is a California past time. You can spend months if not
years visiting the tasting rooms of beautifully appointed wineries
in this state of California. The wine tours take you to elaborate
landscaped vineyards where you can experience the age-old tradition
of wine making.
The winery tours are fun and very informative. The winery tours give
the visitor a chance to see all the steps that are involved in
winemaking. The smells, the taste, even the sounds of the stirring
of a tank of wine become part of the total wine tasting experience.
Once you experience the art of wine tasting in its purest form, you
have an life long appreciation and love for the art of wine making.
You understand the ways that wine must be experienced, the smell,
the impact that wine has on all your senses.
At the end of the tours the wine can be purchased in bulk so that the experience can be transported to your home. The prices are competitive. Some of the wines can only be purchased at the winery.
If there is a wine that you particularly like, it is best to stock
up until the next tour. When the wines are delivered to your door,
you need to create the perfect environment for wine storage.
Of course a wine cellar is the ideal place to store wine but not many
homes come with this extravagance. However, the basement of most homes can accommodate the storage of wine. A basement
can be configured to keep the wine safe and aging gracefully.
The major considerations for proper wine storage are:
Temperature - The ideal storage temperature is 55-65 degrees F.
The basement is usually cool and this slows down the aging process.
High temperatures speed the aging process. The temperature should
remain constant.
Humidity - Humidity levels should be around 80%. If the humidity
level is higher mold can become a problem. Too little humidity can
cause evaporation exposing the wine to oxygen.
Darkness - Darkness gives wine the time it requires to age
Wine is a living breathing item. Wine ages the way people age.
Wine needs to breathe. Wine has different personalities.
All wines have different requirements in order to reach their
optimum taste. Some wines do not need to age. Fine wine tastes
better with age but can increase in value over time.
Some wines can be served while they are still young while others
need a specific time frame to reach maturity.
Using your basement for wine storage is as convenient as it
is economical. using some creative ideas you can transform the
dark moist environment of the basement into the perfect place for
wine storage. The basement already has the basic elements for
storing wine. Your fine wines require a home where the wine
grows to maturity to provide you an incredible taste experience.
For more wine storage tips please visit WineStorageSuperGuide.info where you will find information and wine related resources on wine storage systems, wine storage racks, wine storage coolers, wine storage cabinets and proper wine storage temperatures. |
Australian Wine