Saturday 08/23/08 - Wine Chillers
What in the world is up!
Was there a full moon or something? As I went through this past week I was struck by what seemed to be the theme for the week. I came to the conclusion that there are some career whiners out there. I mean people whine about any and everything. Let me just float this out there... Whining is not going to fix a problem!
Now God only knows I surely have my challenges, and do in fact do my fair share of moaning and complaining (like now) but the difference is for me it's a temporary state. It's not where I spend my time. There are those who can't seem to put together a complete sentence without having a problem with something.
If you're one of these people stop it already. If you're not but you find yourself in the presence of one who is, don't walk away, runaway from them. It's contagious and detrimental to your state of mind and attitude. Which equates to what you can do and accomplish. If a whiner starts walking toward you don't hesitate, get away as fast as you can or they'll suck the life right out of you. Really.
The next time you hear an identified habitual whiner whining let them get what they're wanting to say out and then gently but firmly ask them this--- "So what are you doing about it today so that this problem doesn't exist for you tomorrow?" then walk away. Leave them with their whining thoughts.
Look kids, I'm not saying that there aren't some legitimate concerns that shouldn't be expressed, but my goodness! Must they be expressed over and over and over, every single day. All day? Direct that energy into solving whatever the problem is. Just a thought.
That's all. That's it. I'm done whining about you whiners. Bring on the week.
OOPS... I left out the 'H' there at the beginning didn't I?
Ah well... You're not gonna um... whine about it are you?
Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.
About the Author:
Clyde Dennis, a.k.a. "Mr. How-To" has been writing and publishing Articles and Newsletters online since 1999. Clyde's company EASYHow-To Publications provides "How-To" information on How-To do, be or have just about anything one can imagine. For more information visit Email correspondence for Clyde should be sent to: cdennis at
Got Purpose? - Part 2Clyde DennisI guess I found some hot buttons last week eh? Thanks for a week full of real good feedback.
That being the case Id like to follow along with last weeks theme of Living your purpose. Getting into one of the key elements to doing just that.
Living with Courage.
I believe living a life of Purpose begins and ends with Courage. It takes courage to open up and face your truth, to be honest with yourself.
Clearly, there are many hindrances and roadblocks along the path of purposeful living. In my own life the biggest has been fear. The fear of showing vulnerability. The fear of being judged. The fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of being alone, fear of the unknown and uncertainty. There was fear everywhere I turned. Until one day I just got sick and tired of living in fear.
In a conversation about some of the worlds great revolutions with a friend who grew up in Russia the point was made that one of the conclusions an oppressed people must come to is they "just cant live this way anymore." This is the point at which the pain of being oppressed becomes greater than the pain of facing the fear. Fear is an oppressive bully and thief. The way to conquer it is to face up to it with confidence and courage. The feeling comes over you that something has got to change and it has to change now! Perhaps youve known this feeling.
I have come to the conclusion (and of course you must arrive at your own) that no one, no situation, no experience, is going to deter me from living the rest of my life on what I believe is the course of my PURPOSE. Eventually, one way or another I will die. But, in the process of living, I am the one responsible for identifying, connecting to and living my own purposeful life. To live any other way would be to not live fully.
What courage do I need to call on? I summon my courage to let go of perceived past wrongs, of regrets, hurts. Things that are done, are done. I look and live forward. I let go of blaming and anger, release jealousy, envy and any feelings of scarcity, helplessness or hopelessness. Im continually building and healing myself. It takes courage to accept responsibility for my own success and happiness. The courage to live on Purpose. The courage to be real. The Courage to be me.
You decide when youre ready to move to the next step in your purposeful evolution. Look around. You'll find a book, a friend, a coach, a spiritual guide or teacher to help you uncover your own true connection to yourself, your truth and your purpose. Maybe youll even be that friend, guide or teacher for someone else, which will be part of your own journey.
I am truly grateful for others who showed me through books, stories and in the way they live their life that I can live on purpose and be happy. The key ingredient, as Ive learned, is Courage.
As always, Thanks for hanging out.
Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.
About the Author:
Clyde Dennis, a.k.a. "Mr. How-To" has been writing and publishing Articles and Newsletters online since 1999. Clyde's company EASYHow-To Publications provides "How-To" information on How-To do, be or have just about anything one can imagine. For more information visit Email correspondence for Clyde should be sent to: cdennis at
Short Review on Wine Chillers
What in the world is up!Was there a full moon or something? As I went through this past week I was struck by what seemed to be the theme for the week....
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