08/19/08 - Caribe Cooler
Wine - More Than Just A Wedding Beverage?
If ever there were two terms that go together, they are wine and wedding. If you really love wine, however, you can make it the centerpiece of your happy day.
Wine - More Than Just A Wedding Beverage?
One of the biggest parties you'll ever plan is your wedding. From choosing the venue, to the officiant, to the food - there are many different decisions to be made. One of the biggest choices you'll have to make in regards to your wedding is the presentation. The presentation can be based on the location of your wedding, the season your wedding takes place in (such as Christmas) or your interests. If you love wine, make it the centerpiece of the experience.
The first thing you'll have to decide on for your wine wedding is how far you want to extend the presentation. A wedding can be simple, just incorporating some different wines, wine accessories (such as glasses and corkscrews) and wine bottle shaped decorations. You can also add some grape-shaped decorations and other grape oriented decorations. If you want to really "pour" it on, you can go much farther.
Other types of wine weddings can include incorporating wine colors into your theme. Burgundy, wine and green colors all work well with wine themes. You can also use different types of wine items to spruce up your ceremony and reception locations. Oak wine barrels can make a great centerpiece when filled with flowers, and wine bottles make excellent candle holders. Real (or artificial) grapevines can be used as garlands to decorate the walls and ceilings of your reception location. Using wine labels as place cards (either affixed to bottles or just on cards) can be another way to bring wine into your wedding.
To top the event off, you can also invite [pay] specialist from local wineries to the wedding. They will bring in various new vintages and provide tastings for you and your guests. Along with this, they will typically provide detailed discussions on the process used by the winery to produce the various vintages as well as providing instruction on the unique aspects of the particular vintages on hand. Take this step and you guest will talk about your wedding for more than a few days.
Picking the right presentation for your wedding can make sure that you will always look back on your special day with fondness have great memories. A wine wedding can be a great way to show your love of the grape.
About the Author
Xavier Moldini is with WineriesforYou.com - a directory of wineries.
A Short Caribe Cooler Summary
Wine - More Than Just A Wedding Beverage?
If ever there were two terms that go together, they are wine and wedding. If you really love wine, however, you can make it the centerpiece of your ha...
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Caribe Cooler Products we recommend
Bordex 30 Bottle Wine Rack Kit
In answer to your many requests we've streamlined the sizes and expanded the options you love in this very popular–and very affordable–modular storage system. Just about everything has been re-thought and re-aligned to conquer every design challenge! The new sleeker Tasting Table glides on casters to any location in your cellar. Flip the new 4 or 6-Bottle Rack one way and it easily holds 4 bottles. Turn it on its side and it will accommodate 6 bottles. Stack the new 11-Bottle Universal Unit horizontally or vertically to fill in just about any space on your wall. Add new Corner Connectex® Clips and the 11-Bottle Universal Unit to help any of the units accommodate corners or make 90º turns. Our original 12-Bottle Racks stack perfectly along side the new 120-Bottle Rack to expand in every direction you could possibly imagine. Measures 20 1/3'H x 20 1/3'W x 9 1/3'D. function flashWindow(){ popup = window.open('/templates/3d_instructions.htm' '' 'height=566 width=781 scrollbars=no'); }Click here for an animated demo
Price: 61.95 USD
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