Thursday - Wine Rack
Why I Love Wine Holders And Wine Caddies!
Aside from the brief mention here and there with regards to the Wine Bug or Bugus Erectus, very little mention has been made as to how versatile a wine holder or wine caddy really can be! At the risk of sounding like an infomercial, I would like to point out why I love wine holders and wine caddies.
A wine holder is a great way to display that single bottle of wine that you want to set apart from the rest of your collection. Maybe you have a bottle of wine that you bought while on your honeymoon in France, or maybe it?s just a bottle from the market, which you think is fabulous, either way wine bottle holders are a better option to simply standing it on the counter. We all know that bottles should not be stood up because the cork can dry out and spoil the wine, so not only does a wine holder display you favourite bottle, but it also does this the correct way!
Some wine holders also double as a wine server, which makes it even more appealing. Aside from just showing off a bottle of wine, wine servers also are a great way to serve that Chardonnay or Merlot at a dinner party. From traditional to a little more eccentric, wine servers are always a conversation piece as well as a fantastic method for displaying and serving wine.
How often have you been invited to dinner and showed up with a bottle of wine in a plastic supermarket shopping bag or a brown paper sack from the liquor store? I know I have done it many times, and always feel a little awkward showing up at a nice dinner with the bottle in a brown bag that makes you look like a bum. Enter the wine caddy! Able to hold from one bottle to a few, a wine caddy is, in my humble opinion, a much better way of transporting wine. Some even hold wine glasses, which is perfect if you are looking to have a lovely picnic in the park (be aware of public drinking laws before doing this, while it might be acceptable in some places, others you could get arrested).
So this is why I love the wine caddy and the wine holder! So many styles and so many uses, I only wish I had written about them sooner!
About the Author:
Ken Finnigan is the CEO of Finest Wine Racks a website specializing in quality decorative wine racks and durable wine storage systems.
Thoughts about Wine Rack
Why I Love Wine Holders And Wine Caddies!
Aside from the brief mention here and there with regards to the Wine Bug or Bugus Erectus, very little mention has been made as to how versatile a win...
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